Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It couldn't have happened at a better time. After almost a month of eating rehydrated food, I felt like I just couldn't choke down another package of Chicken Rice soup or Tomato Bisque, two of the staples from the Medi-Fast program. And as it happened, since the packages of food come in labeled boxes, I didn't realize until I took the last package out of the box that I was dangerously low on food. An inventory revealed that I had only a day of food left. So I went on line to order more. And this time, I chose those things I knew I liked, like the bars (a little like granola bars) and the shakes - French vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. Since the program headquarters is here in Owings Mills, the replacement food should come today. In the meantime, I've eaten "regular" food. What a relief. But to adhere to the Medi-Fast guidelines, I made a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and dill, with a tiny bit of olive oil and lots of vinegar. This was fine for me to eat as a snack in mid morning and mid afternoon and I still had some of my homemade chicken soup (made from a Medi-Fast cookbook) to eat for lunch. For breakfast, I've had a soft boiled egg, and for my lean and green dinner, I went last night to The City CafĂ© for their steak night and had a filet of beef, broiled tomatoes and grilled squash, all within the guidelines of the program. So I'm happy to report that since the Fourth of July, I've lost 26 pounds.

For those of you who may be contemplating this program, there are two aspects (in addition to the food) to which I can point for my so-far success. One is to eat six meals a day at three hour intervals. This revs up the metabolism. And the other is to drink at least eight glasses of water every day (when home, I have a glass of water with me all the time). The water washes out the fat and although I've been in the bathroom a lot, that aspect of the program is manageable. No alcohol. And no sweets. To satisfy my craving for sweets, I eat one tablet of chocolate at noon, the kind of chocolate that has no sugar additive. I'm very pleased with myself for sticking to the program and every day I see evidence of its effectiveness. I can now put my belt in the very last hole!

 I have 16 more pounds to go. Wish me luck.

And stay tuned. 

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