Monday, February 3, 2014


Hint #2 Choose a Specific Day to Begin Your Program

Once you've created the essence of losing weight, choose a day when you're going to begin. That doesn't have to be "today," but it should be a specific day. If you know you're going to be tempted by a special dinner out, or a birthday party, or a cocktail event, maybe you want to wait for that time to be passed. But don't wait too long, a day or two, or over a weekend at the most. Perhaps you want to obtain the right supplies for your program, or perhaps rid your cupboard, or refrigerator, or freezer, of temptations (like ice cream!). But when that time is past, summon the courage to begin on the day you've set in your mind. And then do it. Just do it. If you've prepared for it, that day will go more easily than you had thought.

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