Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Now that I've gotten On My Mind off my mind, I can resume my description of the things I learned from losing weight.

Set a very specific weight-loss goal and remain dedicated to that amount. If you avoid this decision, it's very easy to tell yourself that you've lost some weight and you'll just stop for a while and go back to it if you feel like it. That's a perfect way to get derailed. Having a specific goal encourages you to continue, without diversion, until that goal is reached. If it helps, you can promise yourself some reward at the end, when you've reached your goal - dinner at The Prime Rib, a new dress in your new and smaller size, a glass of champagne, or a big piece of chocolate cake. Setting a specific goal helps to keep you motivated until you've reached that goal. And after a while, you'll find you've formed the habit of losing weight, which makes the whole process much easier.

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