Friday, September 20, 2013


My friend, Dennis, came from Cleveland for my birthday and brought two gifts, both candy: a box of delicious and exotic nuts covered with chocolate - turtles I think they call them - and a box of chocolate covered pretzels. Dennis knew I loved both and it was very sweet of him to cater to my sweet tooth. (He didn't know I'd been dieting so no need to say here, " Get thee behind me Satan!"). My theory being that the sooner I ate them, the sooner they'd be gone (and the sooner the temptation would end), even rationing them out to no more than two a day was dangerous. Then I left my diet plan for a great dinner at The Prime Rib - one of my most memorable, as a matter of fact - and began to cheat here and there: my old haunt, Jimmy's, for breakfast (two poached eggs on dry toast, but still....), a tuna sandwich once in a while, some basmati rice. After checking my weight every morning and finding it unchanged (at 5 pounds over my goal weight), I see this morning that I'm a couple of pounds heavier than even that. So, believe me: cheating doesn't pay. I've learned that now.

I've ordered some new Medi-fast food that should arrive today. And I've rededicated myself to being strict about my program until I do lose that last 5, no now 8, pounds. So except for the "lean and green" every day, I'll be back on the plan, strictly, this time. (Well, maybe except for the lobster I've ordered for Saturday. After all, with a glut of them in Maine, and the price now way down, how can you not be tempted?) But after that, Medi-fast, Medi-fast, Medi-fast, five times a day, lean and green once, and lots and lots of water. Wish me well.

Stay tuned.  

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