Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I want to correct any mistaken impression I might have given that my dizziness of yesterday and today is due to my Medi-fast program. I've been assured by both my doctor and Jill, my coach, that this cannot be the case. So, don't worry about becoming dizzy (any more than you may already be) by following the program. My dizziness is caused, according to the doctors, by what is called a "viral vertigo," a condition without a cause and no cure but fortunately of short duration. They reassure me by saying that it should only last a week or so. Good news, I guess.

If I haven't sufficiently endorsed the program before, I want to here provide my whole-hearted approval of the Medi-fast program. Anything that can get me to give up vodka, carbs and sugar for 60 days has got to be good. I'll reiterate by saying I've lost (so far; and I'm still on the program) 38 pounds since the Fourth of July. That's truly amazing! And I haven't been hungry or dissatisfied (at least with my diet). So, if you're thinking of doing this, barge right ahead. If you need more information, or would just like to talk to me about it, feel free to email me at philcoop@aol.com or call me at 410.225.2020. My coach, Jill, has also been a great help and would be happy to coach you as well. So don't just think of doing it. DO IT! You, too, can lose a lot of weight in a very short time. Believe me when I say it will make you feel really good about being so good to yourself

Stay tuned.

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