Wednesday, March 19, 2014


After losing 40 pounds in two months, and then maintaining that lower weight for four more, even through the myriad temptations of the dreaded holiday period, I grew a little lax, thinking I could just sneak in a few treats. At first this was only once in a while. Then it became more frequent. And suddenly, I'd gained five pounds. So, I acknowledged that I'd grown sloppy, even reverted to some bad habits, and rededicated myself to my diet program. I ordered more Medi-fast food and monitored myself very carefully. In less than a week, I'd lost those five pounds. Now, I'm trying to lose five more, beyond my original goal. I'll keep you posted.

Stay tuned.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Don't be upset if you fail to lose weight over some small period of time. Or, even if you gain a few pounds. Losing weight is not necessarily a steady progression. If you gain a few pounds, it may be because you succumbed to that tempting piece of chocolate cake, or you celebrated a birthday with a cocktail or two. Just rededicate yourself to going back to your stricter self, to following your diet program religiously. And if you don't lose for a few days, don't panic. It's only natural. Don't give up; just stick to the process. It's not the end of the world. It's only a plateau.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


I know. I know. We all know. We should exercise. But it's very easy to avoid doing this. We're busy; we don't have time. I don't feel like it. There are any number of excuses. But you don't need to do anything too strenuous. Just go for a walk. Choose a time and do it every day. You can always go to a gym and use a treadmill but being outside in the fresh air is so much better. Just pick a route that's pleasing, for whatever reason - flowers in the spring, shade in the summer. You'll find that you see so much more than you do when you're just driving by. And you'll become more acquainted with your neighborhood and, if you do this early in the morning, as I do, you'll meet new people, out walking their dogs. After about six weeks, this will become a habit. You won't even have to think about it. Just do it. Start today.

Friday, March 14, 2014


I've found that my taste buds demand contrast. If I've eaten something salty, they want sweet. If I eat fruit, they want cheese. Or worse yet, a glass of wine. In order to avoid this trap, I try to brush my teeth immediately after every meal. In addition to helping my gums, and reducing tartar, this removes the taste from my mouth and replaces it with the freshness of the toothpaste, which eliminates my need for some more, and contrasting, food. If it's not possible, for whatever reason, to brush your teeth after lunch, use gum to remove the taste of food. You needn't chew it for very long. Just enough to rid your mouth of the desire for any contrast. And you can buy the kind that is sugarless and refreshes your breath, not a bad combination. Even chewing it for just a minute or two will do the job. You can carry gum in your purse or in the glove box of your car so you can use it whenever you want that fresh taste in your mouth. You'll stop craving something sweet, like dessert, after your healthy salad. Brush your teeth. It will help.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


In a time of acronyms, I created WACS, a way of helping me remember to be aware of what I'm consuming. I try to limit, or better yet, avoid alcohol, carbohydrates and sugar. And I drink lots of water. Use WACS to help you remember this. W for water, A for alcohol, C for carbohydrates, and S for sugar. If you can remember this, and follow its message, you'll lose weight. I guarantee it.

Monday, March 10, 2014


We often eat far too much food at each seating, particularly when we eat out. American restaurants are inclined to serve much more than we need. Adopt the habit of taking half of it home for a meal the next day. And remember that an appropriate amount of each food you're consuming is about the size of your fist. A good way to maintain your weight is to limit your portion size.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


If you're like me, it's very easy to use food (or alcohol) as a reward for a good day - let's celebrate - or solace for a bad one - I really need that drink! How many times have we heard, and used, those justifications? Give all that up. Food is about physical, not mental, nourishment. 

Friday, March 7, 2014


Understand that a large part of your eating is a matter of habit. We're used to having a cocktail before dinner, or a cookie with our lunch. Replace bad habits with new, and better ones. Sugar, for instance, is a habit, and an addiction. Know that you can break that habit, or that addiction, in a matter of (for me, at least) less than a week. Once you've been consuming healthy food for six weeks, you will have established new, and better habits and be well on your way to losing weight and living a better, healthier life style..