Thursday, November 7, 2013


Although I haven't posted in a while, that doesn't mean anything sinister. I'm still here and still holding at my goal weight. My doctor has asked me not to lose any more until I can be certain that I've stabilized and won't go back to bad habits and regain all that I've lost. I think that's good advice. He was, incidentally, delighted that my blood pressure, which before Medi-fast was way high, has gone back down and now is in a very healthy zone.

I admit that I'm no longer adhering strictly to the Medi-fast protocol, but I'm still being very careful of things like sugar, carbs and alcohol. I sometimes have soft boiled, or poached, eggs for breakfast, and once in a while, a sandwich for lunch. But never both in the same day. And I try to have a lean and green dinner. But when I go out, I eat what my host, or hostess, is serving. And once in a while, I have a cocktail before my meal.

I post this because I want those interested in this program to know that at least from my own experience - losing almost 40 pounds in two months and maintaining that loss for two more - it's terrific! I am so glad I took the steps necessary to success. I've learned that the motivation comes first and is absolutely essential. The rest is only process.

Again, I offer to talk to anyone who wants more information on the program - I am a devoted fan, after all - and to act as a guide to help someone through the process should that be  helpful.

Stay tuned.

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