Saturday, November 30, 2013


At a recent doctor's appointment, my internist was quite complimentary about me weight loss. Forty pounds in two months. Amazing! But although I'd like to lose at least five more pounds, he wanted me to stop, to see if I could maintain my current weight for three months, presuming that if I could, it would signify that I'd changed my eating habits and could sustain my weight loss over the long run. So far, so good. Oh, I vary a pound or two. But I weigh myself every morning and if I'm up by a pound, I'm very careful for the next few days. Being careful means little or no sugar, no carbs, lots of vegetables and no alcohol. Then, when my weigh comes back down, I go easier on myself and have a drink before dinner if I'm out with friends. I'd still like to lose the five more pounds, maybe just to prove I can. But I'm happy to stay here if that's what my doctor wants.

If you're thinking of trying to lose weight, this may not be the best season to begin. But promise yourself you'll start after the New Year holiday. I've found that losing weight is mostly in your head. All you have to do is summon the determination and follow the program. Results will follow. But if you're not dedicated, you'll be disappointed. As always, if any of you reading my blog wants to have more information on how I lost 40 pounds, I'm happy to talk to you.

Stay tuned.

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