Friday, July 26, 2013


I started a modest exercise program this week to support my weight loss. The information suggests that I walk only 10 minutes in the beginning and I tried walking around the block. Given my lasting physical problems, it was somewhat difficult and I had to really strive to make it back home. I also spent 10 minutes on the stationary bicycle, good for my replaced knees, so my doctor says. And I tried 50 sit-ups on the ball in my gym. They were relatively easy despite the muscular pains in my back. So, not expansive, but at least a beginning.

My doctor has put me on a new medication and warned that it might make me a little unsteady at first - true - but that I would get used to it. My blood pressure has dropped dramatically back into low normal range so I'm pleased about that. And I've now lost 21 pounds.

The Medi-Fast program grows a little tedious - I'm tired of eating dehydrated food - but it's working. How bad can that be?

Stay tuned.

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