Thursday, December 26, 2013


I'm very happy to say that even with the holidays, I've been able to maintain my weight at goal, at the weight I lost as of Labor Day. And it hasn't been hard. I no longer adhere to the strict Medi-fast formula but I limit sugar and carbs and alcohol and usually have a Medi-fast meal in the middle of the morning and afternoon, and even sometimes for lunch. I eat a regular dinner every night, trying to maintain lean-and-green but sometimes I deviate, depending on the circumstances. I've heard that one's body wants to stay at a particular weight and mine wanted to stay at 40 pound heavier until I tried Medi-fast. Now it seems to want to stay at my lighter, goal weight, for which I am very grateful. Oh, once a week or so, my weight climbs a pound or two and then I'm very careful for a few days. Keeping track every day is helpful. I'm surprised, and very pleased, that my weight has stayed off even during this holiday season.

If you want to lose weight, try Medi-fast. I can't say enough good things about the program. I've tried other weight loss methods, and lost some weight, but usually put it right back on. I'm so pleased I found Medi-fast.

Happy holidays (what's left of them). And stay tuned.